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Press kit Byzantine

Saturday 1 June 2013

Byzantine by Gardet

Located in Chigny les Roses, Maison GARDET keeps offering wines combining faultless quality and innovation, tradition and modernity, from its foundation in 1895 until nowadays. According to this philosophy, the House wished to create a brand that is original, festive, good-looking and status-enhancing, altogether: Byzantine by GARDET was born.

A contemporary identity

This new creation sets free from the traditional codes of Maison Gardet to express itself on a new market and address a wider number of customers, keeping nevertheless a strong and unchangeable link with the House by sublimating the Rose into a Rose diamond.

Byzantine by Gardet shows a new side of champagne, less traditional, more enigmatic (even more because of the opaque bottle), magical, seductive and ready to party since it embodies dream, fascination and attraction, with a decorative estheticism expressed in a noble way.

A flowery design for a unifying wine

Byzantine by Gardet is the symbol of a unique marriage between the 3 grapes of Champagne and an extra-dry dosage (15 grams pro liter), inviting people to meet, mix and share. This champagne will bring together all the bubble lovers, as different as they may be, in a common, broad-minded and festive atmosphere, just like this cosmopolitan Byzantine empire shining at the crossroad of Orient and Occident.

From its birthplace in Chigny les Roses, to the creation for the House of an exclusive rose variety, the story of Champagne Gardet is very closely linked to this timeless flower.

Therefore, it was a wish to integrate this delicate symbol in this new creation, for it to be associated to the Gardet brand. That’s why the brand Byzantine by Gardet is surrounded by a geometrical rose diamond with flowery details recalling subtly but originally the queen of flowers.

An enigmatic but universal champagne

Sometimes intriguing, sometimes surprising, this champagne expresses itself in a world full of magic and fantasy. The design enhances the mystery of a bottle as opaque as the miracle of champagne, and arouses desire. A mystery that is even more fascinating than the cellars of champagne and its process of elaboration.

Finally, the brand Byzantine by Gardet is the new embodiment of the values of Maison Gardet, allying tradition and modernity. She makes sense, and encourages intellectualization, in a world where luxury meets feelings, affection, emotion, and remains sophisticated at the same time. Byzantine by Gardet appeals to everyone’s sensitivity and intimacy, by arousing desire. by Gardet fait appel à la sensibilité, à l’intimité de chacun, et provoque le désir.

La cuvée Byzantine sera habillée avec des effets ultraviolets pour un aspect plus lumineux dans les ambiances festives du monde de la nuit.



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